Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science
The objective of this large-scale project was to design an artifact that contextualizes Scott Parsons’ Artistic Terrazzo, a highly narrative 40,000 square feet (12.2 km) floor installation at the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS) building, at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). The premise of CCIS is to bring together various departments and to promote interdisciplinarity in the process of scientific discovery. The design intent was to provide explanations of the Artistic Terrazzo elements and communicate each particular element’s message to the viewing audience. To accomplish this, it was planned to design and place panels containing textual and visual information beside each of the elements. Participatory research and user testing were carried out prior to designing the information panels to better understand the needs of the target audience.
Co-designer: Maria Goncharova
Select images: Scott Parsons, Maria Goncharova
Select images: Scott Parsons, Maria Goncharova

In addition to the navigational system, we were also commissioned to create the pop-up brochure for the official opening of the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences. The brochure highlighted the main points of interests in the Artistic Terrazzo. Guests were encouraged to use the brochure to explore the floor at the opening reception as well as keep it as a souvenir.

Individual panels