Uniting Business for a Better World:
UN Global Compact Anniversary Brand
In its 20th year, the United Nations Global Compact raised its voice through the year-long campaign “Uniting Business for a Better World” in celebration of businesses that have come together to create a new era of sustainable action. My role was to develop, oversee, and lead all visual communications for the 20th anniversary campaign throughout the year.
The anniversary brand was a creative merger of the UN Global Compact brand and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) brand. The SDG – a global blueprint towards achieving a more sustainable future – consists of 17 goals, each of which was encompassed by the campaign in a novel, unconventional and forward-looking manner.
Excerpt from the 20th Anniversary Brand Guidelines.
The campaign kicked-off in Davos, Switzerland in January with the SDG Media Zone. The SDG Media Zone, in partnership with the the UN Department of Global Communications, is a series of live interviews and panels with sustainability leaders. The creative collateral included branding the Zone with the established 17 SDG icons as well as integrating a new Uniting Business anniversary brand. The campaign was also launched on all UN Global Compact social media channels, including its 70 country networks.
Anniversary campaign announcement and SDG Media Zone social media on Instagram.
SDG Media Zone branding in Davos Switzerland. Photo: UN Global Compact/Elma Okic.
Left: UN Global Compact CEO at the Special Briefing session at the UN Studio. Right: limited edition anniversary business cards.
The Ten Principles of Global Compact 12-tile anniversary Instagram grid and 20th Anniversary print banner.
The art direction for the Ten Principles animations.